

There has been a wide range of uses suggested for nanotechnology, including self cleaning windows, dolls that blink their eyes, pigments and cosmetics. Nanoparticles may have a role in medicine and the protection of the environment.

This technology has great potential and the benefits are thought to be numerous. It will produce devices that are smaller, lighter, faster and cheaper, which have greater functionality and require fewer materials and energy to produce.

If the nanoparticles can be recycled, then economic growth could continue without depleting the world’s natural resources, which is the great attraction of nanotechnology to governments and businesses around the world.

Health Benefits

Nanotechnology may benefit human health through:

  • Better filters for improving water purification

  • More effective research, diagnosis and a more rapid response to new diseases

  • More effective drug delivery through better targeting of diseases such as cancer

  • Better design and synthesis of pharmaceuticals

  • Using nanocomposers to create bone or liver cells.

  • Smaller sensors, computers and other implantable devices may allow continuous health monitoring and semi-automated treatment

  • Designing medical equipment with much better precision and accuracy

  • Nanomachines which make microscopic repairs of damaged tissues and organs in hard-to-operate-on areas of the body

  • Providing more nutritious food

Environmental Benefits

Nanotechnology may be beneficial for the environment through:

  • Televisions that require less power and produce less heat

  • More effective fuel cells and batteries

  • The removal of heavy metals, cyanide and other substances such as oil spills that damage the environment

  • Greater recycling of waste, eliminating the need for landfills

  • Industrial processes that make more efficient use of resources and generate less waste

  • The demand for natural resources decreasing as a result of the implementation of this technology, therefore reducing the need for mining.

  • Manufacturing with lower environmental impact. Some goods could be manufactured from home, reducing the need for transport and distribution

Social Benefits

Nanotechnology may reduce material poverty and improve people’s quality of life by:

  • Eliminating conditions that cause disease, including poor sanitation, insects and malnutrition

  • Providing cheap thermal insulation which will increase personal comfort and reduce energy consumption

  • Increasing the accessibility of computers as they become cheaper

  • Acting as homing beacons to monitor and track the movement of individuals

  • Providing more productive agriculture

  • Providing more effective drugs

  • Providing more efficient power and energy

  • Improving communications and other technologies

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